Header/Footer Data

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Header/Footer Data

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Header and footer data is displayed at the top and bottom of the log. The data being displayed will depend on the template. This data can include information such as project name, location, client, date, drill method, etc.


The header and footer data can be represented either as text or memo data. The difference between text data and memo data is that there is no limit to the length of memo data and memo data can contain rich text. The method used to represent the data is set in the template. In the Quick Data Entry form only text data can be edited.




On this form a list of the header and footer data is displayed, with the type of data on the left and the data on the right. If the data type is filled out automatically (eg. borehole/well name, project name)  then it can not be edited on this form.


The header and footer field names are specified in the template, if the template of the log is changed it is possible to have header and footer fields that no longer show up on the log.