Direct Shear

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Direct Shear

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The shear strength of a soil is its maximum resistance to shearing stresses. This test can be used to determine the consolidated drained shear strength of a soil specimen. In this test the specimen is deformed at a controlled rate on or near a single shear plane. The shearing rate must be slow enough to allow for the dissipation of any excess pore pressure. Soil specimens can be either intact, remolded, or re-constituted.


Data entry and calculations for this test are performed on the Direct Shear form described in the next section. After the data and calculations have been performed the results are displayed in a test report as described in the reporting section below. The format of this report is controlled by the geotechnical template used for the test.


The methodology and calculations for this test adhere to "ASTM D3080/D3080M-11 Standard Test Methods for Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditions". For more detailed information on the methodology and calculations please review this standard.