Data Entry

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Data Entry

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Open the Examples project and open Case 17. The data for this type of model is entered differently than the previous models, since it was created using the Primary and Secondary Liner Landfill template.



General Tab




On the General tab the layers present in the model can be specified. In this example, the model consists of a primary geomembrane, primary liner, secondary liner, aquitard, and aquifer.



Source & Hydraulic Heads




This tab is used to specify the source information and hydraulic heads. In this example the source has a constant concentration of 1500 µg/L and a landfill length of 200 m.The heads specified for the liners and the groundwater level are relative to the aquifer.



Collection System




The parameters for the secondary leachate collection system are specified on the Collection System tab.







The Geomembranes tab is used to specify the parameters for the primary geomembrane and the method to calculate the leakage through the geomembrane. In this example, the leakage through the geomembrane will use the method proposed by Giroud & Bonaparte.



Clay Liners




The parameters for the primary and secondary clay liners are specified on the Clay Liners tab.







The parameters for the aquitard are specified on the Aquitard tab.







The parameters for the aquifer are specified on the Aquifer tab. The outflow velocity in the aquifer can be specified on the bottom of the tab. The minimum outflow velocity for the model will be calculated and shown.