Inverse Distance Tab

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Inverse Distance Tab

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If the grid method is inverse distance an Inverse Distance tab will be added to the Grid form.




The following can be edited on this tab:


Weighting Power: This is the power to use to weight the inverse distance.


Tolerance: This is the distance in grid intervals that the data point must be to the grid node to be considered to be coincident with the grid node.


Smoothing: Check this box to smooth the grid to remove "bull's eyes".


Smoothing Factor: This is the smoothing factor to use to smooth the grid.


Maximum Number of Points: This is the maximum number of points to use when calculating the grid node value.


Maximum Distance of Influence: This is the maximum distance a data point can be from the grid node in grid intervals.


Quadrant Search: Check this box to try to use a minimum of one data point in each quadrant of the grid node.


Anisotropy: Check this box to specify horizontal and vertical anisotropy factors for the grid.


Estimate: Click this button to have the program estimate the anisotropy factors.


X Factor: This is the horizontal anisotropy factor.


Y Factor: This is the vertical anisotropy factor.