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To edit the aquitard data for a model click on the Aquitard tab on the left side of the model form. Note that this layer is an attenuation layer beneath the Clay liner. It is typically a layer with a hydraulic conductivity higher than that required for a clay liner (1x10-9 m/s) but less than an aquifer.




The following parameters can be edited on this tab:


Name: This is the name of the aquitard.


Symbol: This is the symbol used to draw the aquitard. To change the symbol click on the Change Symbol button.


Number of Sublayers: This is the number of sublayers to use for the aquitard. Typically, a value of 10 is used.


Thickness: This is the thickness of the aquitard.


Density: This is the dry density of the aquitard.


Conductivity K: This is the equivalent hydraulic conductivity of the aquitard. If you are unsure what the value of this is, it is recommended to use a leakage rate landfill.


Diffusion Coefficient: This is the coefficient of hydrodynamic dispersion for the aquitard.


Distribution Coefficient: This is the distribution coefficient for the aquitard.


Porosity: This is the porosity of the aquitard.